Why do we homeschool?

October 8, 2019mepitts http://www.texashomemaking.com/2016/02/why-i-homeschool-simple-look-at.html I started homeschooling unofficially in 2009 and officially in 2011. I am currently educating Little Man and MKat, who are our 7 year old and 6 year old children, the...

Feeding the busy gang

Feeding a busy family on the go is the challenge of any mom, whether there are two kids or six! A homeschool mom has the same challenges as working mom does, and it takes planning for everyone to be successful! Meal planning is important to keep a family on schedule...

Homeschool Adventures

In 2001, I began my career as a “brick and mortar” classroom teacher. I had dedicated the previous five years to my education, and I was finally settled into my first classroom, ready to begin a long career in formal education. Fast forward to 2006, I entered the...

My cape is in the wash…

I am just like every other mom out there. I juggle kids, life, a household, church, problems, social media, and more. I wander through Pinterest ideas longing to be the mom in my social media feed who has perfect pictures of serene setting of her kids in a sun-filled...


Queen Triggerfish The Triggerfish is one of the most intelligent and attractive fish found in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. It’s hearty size and delicately sweet flesh make it a delicious and memorable meal. It is sought after as a large marine aquarium specimen...