Homeschool Adventures

In 2001, I began my career as a “brick and mortar” classroom teacher. I had dedicated the previous five years to my education, and I was finally settled into my first classroom, ready to begin a long career in formal education. Fast forward to 2006, I entered the...

My cape is in the wash…

I am just like every other mom out there. I juggle kids, life, a household, church, problems, social media, and more. I wander through Pinterest ideas longing to be the mom in my social media feed who has perfect pictures of serene setting of her kids in a sun-filled...


Queen Triggerfish The Triggerfish is one of the most intelligent and attractive fish found in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. It’s hearty size and delicately sweet flesh make it a delicious and memorable meal. It is sought after as a large marine aquarium specimen...

The Little Details

The little details are what gets us-either sets us apart, gets us in trouble, or fills us with emotion. Giving attention to details is what makes our journey unique and significant, no matter where we find the little nuances. The chirping of crickets and croaking of...

Light to divide the darkness

Daniel Yoffe refers to Genesis 1:1-4 in his photograph above from the Middle East. Light is not the absence of darkness, but instead it is the addition of light that separates the darkness. This doesn’t sound like a difference, but before light is introduced, darkness...