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The setting sun over a solitude beach has always been my idea of heaven. The waves lapping gently on the shore as the bustle of the day comes to a close remind me that no matter how hard the waves crash through the day, even they must rest in the evening. The white noise of the ocean is numbing to the senses, allowing peace and calm to rush in place of the sounds of everyday life.

The beach is the number one vacation spot around the world. It is where people go to get away from the insanity of everyday life. Cell phones are put down, work papers are tucked away, chores and appointments are forgotten, and people will take time to walk, play, and meditate along the soothing shores of beaches across the globe.

I grew up near the beach my entire childhood. My father was in the Coast Guard and my grandfather was in the Navy. We found ourselves stationed at the shoreline, where I learned the the meaning of SPF, how to pack lightly, and the value of a perfect spot near the water’s edge but staying mindful of high tide! I learned to ride waves, pick up shells with my feet, and how to eat a sandwich without getting sand in it! As I grew up, I loved the beach just as much, but less for the activities and more for the solitude. I appreciated secluded beaches more as an adult. I learned to enjoy long walks with nowhere to go.

My kids have learned to love the beach as well. Elizabeth and I had our best long talk on the shoreline during her last vacation. She told me then, that April day, that she wanted us to buy a beach house. I told her I would work on it, and I still dream about it from time to time. She told me she thought heaven had a beach. She said the houses are colorful, everyone is happy, and it was a wonderful place to see God’s best work. I had to agree with her. The colors of a sunset on the beach are the most vibrant yet soothing. The blues and cool colors of the ocean are astounding. The respect of the ocean to know how far to come on shore, and the idea that God created every single grain of sand and laid it perfectly is awesome. Elizabeth’s favorite activity at the beach was to parasail. She loved to glide into the air, feel the warm sun on her legs, and to look down at the ocean to see the animals otherwise out of sight. To glide like a bird gently through the sky is the most incredible feeling. To hear no worldly sounds, only the sound of wind, is so soothing. It is loud and quiet all at once. There was nothing frightening about being 150 feet in the air over the ocean. That is only God, as it doesn’t make rational sense when you say it!

Both girls dreamed of Hawaii. Elizabeth wanted to go to see more beach. As a ten year old, she didn’t really know what there was in Hawaii other than it was reported to be one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Madeline also desired to go to Hawaii, but she wanted adventure. She wanted to climb the volcano, zipline the jungles, go to the top of the highest peak where the snow was and visit the black sand beaches on the shore below. She wanted to swim with dolphins, and find unique shells not seen on the East coast. This was the beautiful difference between our girls. One sought peaceful sanctuaries while the other sought adventure, and both could be found on beautiful shores.

When Elizabeth died, the friend who offered her eulogy shared a story of a young woman boarding a ship for a long voyage across the ocean. As she boarded, those on the shore cried and mourned her departure. As her ship sailed into the sunset out of sight, grief settled on the shore as night fell. Yet, on the other side of the sunset was the sunrise. As the ship crested the horizon, cheers emerged from the opposing shoreline at the arrival. The ship and the passenger were greeted jubilantly and welcomed them to their new home.

My dear friend greeted me last night with a new mug. It is turquoise with Hawaiian prints covering it. It is big and beautiful. Tears streamed down her face as she met me. We both had to look away as she shared the story behind this gift. She had the privilege of sharing many special times with Madeline over 2-3 years. She enjoyed bowling and nachos with her, saw her at her bravest and her weakest. She celebrated many milestones with us, and her life was forever touched by Maddie. We now have matching mugs to enjoy our Hawaiian coffee and reflect. She said she wonders if there are palm trees in heaven, and I told her I was certain as God mentions the shores, beaches, sand, and even palm trees many times in scripture.

What does God say about beaches and palm trees?

Psalm 92:12 The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, He shall grow like a cedar on Lebanon…

Revelation 7:9 There was a vast multitude from every nation, tribe, people, and language, which no one could number, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were clothed in white robes with palm branches in their hands.

Song of Songs 7:7-8 This thy stature is like to a palm tree…

Exodus 15:27 Then they (children of Israel) came to Elim, where there were 12 springs and 70 palm trees, and they camped there near the water.

The temples were decorated with palm trees as in I Kings 6 and II Chronicles 3, though none were found in the tabernacle. The temple is where God dwelled on Earth. In Ezekiel 40 the palm tree was on the the posts of the chambers and various gates.

The beach is written about multiple times in the Bible. In John 21, the disciples met Jesus on the beach after His crucifixion. In Acts 21:5, Paul and the disciples met on the beach at Tyre and prayed before separating from one another. In Matthew 13:48, their net was full and they drew it up on the beach… The Bible mentions the ocean countless times, and in Jeremiah 5:22, “Do you not fear me, declares the Lord. Do you not tremble before me? I placed the sand as the boundary for the sea, an everlasting barrier it cannot cross. The waves may roll, but they cannot prevail; they may roar, but they cannot cross it.”

So, I feel firmly that God has created a beach with majestic palm trees in Heaven. I think in this sanctuary we find peace, solitude, resolution, and reverence. We see God’s magnitude, His power, His control, and His vision of perfection. I think we will find the shorelines of Heaven as we cross the ocean just as in that story I shared earlier. On that shore, we will look to our loved ones just as the disciples looked toward Jesus. They didn’t know who was on the beach waving to them, but they knew it was someone they trusted and loved. They found peace and security many times on the beaches with Jesus. I long for the day I will rest in the shade of the mighty palms on the shores of Heaven with my Savior-and my girls.
