In 2001, I began my career as a “brick and mortar” classroom teacher. I had dedicated the previous five years to my education, and I was finally settled into my first classroom, ready to begin a long career in formal education. Fast forward to 2006, I entered the world of Hospital Homebound with our oldest daughter. It was my first introduction to Home School. A short stint in HH, I returned to the classroom to continue for another three years. In 2009, our daughter had to go through aggressive cancer treatment, so I became her official hospital homebound teacher since her treatment was out of state and I was no longer able to work in the formal classroom. I was still not settled on homeschooling my children, and after her passing a year later, I sent her sister to preschool and kindergarten until the spring of 2011. After nine bouts of strep throat and countless other minor illnesses, we decided to homeschool until our immune systems were stronger (the two prior years were in total isolation for us all).
I homeschooled our daughter from first through fifth grade. After the birth of my son and last daughter (2012/2013), I threw in the flag and called defeat. I could not mentally or physically juggle two toddlers and a middle schooler. Our daughter returned to formal school in 2016, only to be diagnosed with cancer less than 3 months later. I became her homebound teacher for the next two years, until she passed away in 2018. In 2016, we also sent our toddlers to a preschool to help with the care while we were in treatment out of town.
Finally in February 2019, we removed our Littles from the school they were enrolled (PreK/Kindergarten). Our littlest Little, MKat, has some physical needs that are causing some developmental delays, and our Little Man, JackB, has anxiety that causes physical manifestations along with a hearing loss. Increasing their therapy sessions meant our school day was shortened frequently. After the need for a five day a week therapeutic schedule, we decided to homeschool to minimize their day and the toll it took on our gang.
Here we are, Fall 2019, and we are officially homeschooling our Littles. A venture I never anticipated but don’t regret. Having done the same grades with our older daughter, Sassy, I know the challenges and the benefits of the journey. I always knew I would be a teacher, and 18 years later, I still am, just a much smaller group with little financial benefits, but I am gladly paid in hugs and smiles from my family!
We are able to address the physical needs of our children in a different way now, and our Little Man’s anxiety is under much better management. We are able to identify his triggers more quickly and address his needs better. Little Miss has a sensory threshold that needs to be met to help her progress, and we are able to manage it better too.
Mommy is tired, laundry piles up, and honestly, some days are more about relaxing and recouping that reviewing and assessing, but I have learned on this road that our long term goals are met with a marathon mindset rather than a sprint attitude. Some days I wish it were a relay race where I could hand the baton off to someone else, but I am so glad to still be in the race doing what I love!
Do you homeschool too? Do you want to come along and be encouraged? Come back and check in often for laughs, inspiration and encouragement.